Our team explores the environmental and biological forces governing the ocean resilience using a suite of methods including field experiments, mathematical modeling, and synthesis.
Adrian Stier
Principal Investigator
Ecology, Conservation, and Management
The unifying thread linking my work is the recovery and resilience of ocean ecosystems. I am motivated by a desire to deepen our basic understanding of how ecosystems are assembled and an urgent need to develop sustainable management strategies for coastal marine ecosystems.
Emily Donham
Kelp forest ecology
Global change biology
My research is aimed at understanding how spatial and temporal variability in environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, oxygen, pH) impact marine species’ physiology and ecology. My approach is to integrate oceanographic sensor data, diver-based surveys, and controlled laboratory experiments in efforts to link organismal responses to community level processes. Prior to joining the lab, I received a Master’s in Marine Science from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories and a PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from UC Santa Cruz.
Adnan Alalawi
PhD Student
Coral reef restoration
I am a graduate student in the Steir lab. I will be focusing on designing and producing artificial reefs that can assist in rehabilitating degraded coral reefs due to elevated temperatures, sedimentation, and anchor damage. I will also be incorporating bioacoustics as a tool to collect more accurate information about the reefs and as a means to promote the recovery of a reef. I have 15 years of experience in marine conservation research, ranging from fin-fisheries and shrimp-fisheries stock assessment to coral reef ecology and aquaculture.
Adelaide Dahl
PhD Student
Coral reef restoration
I am a benthic ecologist interested in investigating how patterns of habitat structure and diversity change under different environmental conditions. I am especially curious about the ways in which ecological patterns change across systems and over time. Before starting at UCSB I received my Master's in Biology at California State University, Northridge. I am also an avid illustrator and when I am not lucky enough to be underwater I like to bike, ski, and spend time outdoors!